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Welcome to Mint Theme

Highly Creative Website Solutions

We craft beautiful and unique digital experiences. With more than ten years of knowledge and expertise we design and code clean awesome websites and apps, we build brands and help them succeed!

User Experience

Mint comes packed with flexible content blocks and Visual Composer — this makes building your perfect layout easier than ever before.

Powerful Options

Mint comes packed with flexible content blocks and Visual Composer — this makes building your perfect layout easier than ever before.


Mint comes packed with flexible content blocks and Visual Composer — this makes building your perfect layout easier than ever before.
Pink Hair
Design, Illustration
Pink Hair
Future Life
Future Life
Total Space
Total Space
Mandarin Chocolate
Design, Illustration
Mandarin Chocolate
Colorful Banana
Branding, Illustration
Colorful Banana
Amstel Festival
Branding, Web-Site
Amstel Festival

Unique, truly responsive and functional websites that impress!

We craft unique digital experiences. With more than 10 years of knowledge and expertise we design and code clean websites and apps, we build brands and help them succeed!

Start Your Business Today

From startups to accounting firms to restaurateurs, we share a common goal with all our clients – to bring out the best in their brand.

Brand Strategy

Technology and design are the core of success for real estate related businesses. Leverage our years of experience to reach your agency’s full potential.

Product Experience

Technology and design are the core of success for real estate related businesses. Leverage our years of experience to reach your agency’s full potential.

Time Management

Technology and design are the core of success for real estate related businesses. Leverage our years of experience to reach your agency’s full potential.

Meet The Team

Hello! Nice to Meet You

We craft beautiful and unique digital experiences. With more than ten years of knowledge and expertise we design and code clean awesome websites and apps, we build brands and help them succeed!

James Morgan
James Morgan
CEO & Partner
Lex Gregory
Lex Gregory
Creative Director
Samanta Diamond
Samanta Diamond
Dianna Smith
Dianna Smith
Head Manager
Happy Clients
Cups of Coffee
Projects Finished
Tickets Closed

Unique, truly responsive and functional websites that impress!

We craft beautiful and unique digital experiences. With more than ten years of knowledge and expertise we design and code clean awesome websites and apps, we build brands and help them succeed!

Development 90%
Design 80%
Marketing 70%
Digital Strategy 85%

Creativity is to Think More Efficiently

We craft beautiful and unique digital experiences. With more than ten years of knowledge and expertise we design and code clean awesome websites and apps, we build brands and help them succeed!

Visual Page Builder

Mint comes packed with Visual Composer — this makes building your perfect layout easier than ever before.

Friendly Support

Mint comes packed with Visual Composer — this makes building your perfect layout easier than ever before.

Unique, truly responsive and functional websites that impress!

With more than 10 years of knowledge and expertise we design and code clean websites and apps, we build brands and help them succeed!

We’re full service which means we’ve got you covered on design and content right through to digital. You’ll form a lasting relationship with us, collaboration is central to everything we do. We’ll push you out of your comfort zone from time-to-time, but this is where you’ll shine.

Meet The Team

Hello! Nice to Meet You

We craft beautiful and unique digital experiences. With more than ten years of knowledge and expertise we design and code clean awesome websites and apps, we build brands and help them succeed!

Corporate Blog

Our Latest News

Первый легальный экстракт конопли получен МГМУ им. Сеченова и НПО «Биотех Альянс»! Почему это важно

НПО «Биотех Альянс», ведущий инноватор в области биотехнологий, в сотрудничестве с Первым Московским Государственным Медицинским Университетом имени И.М. Сеченова, с гордостью объявляет о получении первого в России легального масла Рика…

Заживление как игра: В России предложили новый подход к описанию ран

МОСКВА, 4 мар – РИА Новости. Математическую модель, позволяющую прогнозировать восстановление кожных покровов после ран разного происхождения, разработали ученые Тюменского государственного медицинского университета (ТМУ). По их словам, использование математического выражения из…

TerraTech представил новую линейку продуктов DUUL | Canna series +CBD в сети Hookah Place на Даниловской мануфактуре

TerraTech объявила о запуске новой линейки продуктов DUUL | Canna series +CBD — уникальных кальянных смесей на конопляном листе, обогащенных CBD и лишенных ТГК, никотина и табака. Официальный релиз новой линейки продуктов состоялся в сети кальянных Hookah Place.

So What’s next?

Are You Ready? Let’s Work!


МЕДКАН.РУ — передовой новостной портал и маркетплейс, специализирующийся на предоставлении верифицированной продукции и обеспечении пользователей достоверной информацией по улучшению качества жизни и здоровья.


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