Unique, truly responsive and functional websites that impress!

Mint comes packed with flexible content blocks and Visual Composer – this makes building your perfect layout easier than ever before.

Watch the Overview

Be Our Client

More than 10 years we build brands and help them succeed.


    Truly Responsive Websites

    We craft beautiful and unique digital experiences. With more than ten years of knowledge and expertise we design and code clean awesome websites and apps, we build brands and help them succeed!


    Product Experience

    We craft beautiful and unique digital experiences. With more than ten years of knowledge and expertise we design and code clean awesome websites and apps, we build brands and help them succeed!

    Our Service

    Highly Creative Website Solutions

    We craft beautiful and unique digital experiences. With more than ten years of knowledge and expertise we design and code clean awesome websites and apps, we build brands and help them succeed!

    User Experience

    Mint comes packed with flexible content blocks and Visual Composer – this makes building your perfect layout easier than ever before.

    Powerful Options

    Mint comes packed with flexible content blocks and Visual Composer – this makes building your perfect layout easier than ever before.


    Mint comes packed with flexible content blocks and Visual Composer – this makes building your perfect layout easier than ever before.

    Made with Love

    Mint comes packed with flexible content blocks and Visual Composer – this makes building your perfect layout easier than ever before.
    Our Team

    Meet The Dream Team

    We craft beautiful and unique digital experiences. With more than ten years of knowledge and expertise we design and code clean awesome websites and apps, we build brands and help them succeed!

    CEO & Founder

    James Morgan

    With more than 10 years of knowledge and expertise we design and code clean websites and apps, we build brands and help them succeed!

    Creative Director

    Lex Gregory

    With more than 10 years of knowledge and expertise we design and code clean websites and apps, we build brands and help them succeed!


    Dianna Smith

    With more than 10 years of knowledge and expertise we design and code clean websites and apps, we build brands and help them succeed!

    Pricing Tables

    Simple Pricing

    We craft beautiful and unique digital experiences. With more than ten years of knowledge and expertise we design and code clean awesome websites and apps, we build brands and help them succeed!


    A beautiful, simple website.
    $12 Per month billed annually or $16 month to month
    • 20 Pages, Galleries, and Blogs
    • Mobile-Optimized Website
    • Powerful Website Analytics
    • Free Custom Domain
    • SSL Security Included
    • 24/7 Customer Support
    • Fully Integrated E-Commerce
    • Sell Unlimited Products & Accept Donations
    • 3% Sales Transaction Fee


    A beautiful, simple website.
    $39 Per month billed annually or $16 month to month
    • 20 Pages, Galleries, and Blogs
    • Mobile-Optimized Website
    • Powerful Website Analytics
    • Free Custom Domain
    • SSL Security Included
    • 24/7 Customer Support
    • Fully Integrated E-Commerce
    • Sell Unlimited Products & Accept Donations
    • 3% Sales Transaction Fee

    We craft beautiful and unique digital experiences. With more than ten years of knowledge and expertise we design and code clean awesome websites and apps.

    Lex Gregory / Creativity Media
    Corporate Blog

    Our Latest News

    We craft beautiful and unique digital experiences. With more than ten years of knowledge and expertise we design and code clean awesome websites and apps, we build brands and help them succeed!

    Первый легальный экстракт конопли получен МГМУ им. Сеченова и НПО «Биотех Альянс»! Почему это важно

    НПО «Биотех Альянс», ведущий инноватор в области биотехнологий, в сотрудничестве с Первым Московским Государственным Медицинским Университетом имени И.М. Сеченова, с гордостью объявляет о получении первого в России легального масла Рика…

    Заживление как игра: В России предложили новый подход к описанию ран

    МОСКВА, 4 мар – РИА Новости. Математическую модель, позволяющую прогнозировать восстановление кожных покровов после ран разного происхождения, разработали ученые Тюменского государственного медицинского университета (ТМУ). По их словам, использование математического выражения из…

    TerraTech представил новую линейку продуктов DUUL | Canna series +CBD в сети Hookah Place на Даниловской мануфактуре

    TerraTech объявила о запуске новой линейки продуктов DUUL | Canna series +CBD — уникальных кальянных смесей на конопляном листе, обогащенных CBD и лишенных ТГК, никотина и табака. Официальный релиз новой линейки продуктов состоялся в сети кальянных Hookah Place.


    МЕДКАН.РУ — передовой новостной портал и маркетплейс, специализирующийся на предоставлении верифицированной продукции и обеспечении пользователей достоверной информацией по улучшению качества жизни и здоровья.


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